Tutukaka Marina Customer Privacy Policy

Tutukaka Marina Customer Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to Tutukaka Marina (referred to in this Privacy Policy as “we”, “our” or “us”). This Privacy Policy governs our collection, use, storage and disclosure of your personal information (as defined in the Privacy Act 1993 (Privacy Act) and has been prepared in accordance with our obligations and your rights set out in the Privacy Act.

We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time.

We have created a privacy policy to control collection, use, and disclosure of personal information including images captured by CCTV cameras. This policy is to inform you of our reasons for the camera installation, where personal information has been collected and your rights to that information. Nothing in this policy limits or excludes your rights under the Privacy Act 1993.

What kind of personal information does Tutukaka Marina collect?

The personal information we collect may include your name, date of birth, addresses, email address, telephone numbers, gender, drivers licence number, information on your use of our services or facilities and any other information provided by you in connection with, or specifically related to your communications with us or, your use of our services or facilities. 


Collecting your information

We may collect personal information about you as set out below: 

a. We may collect personal information about you when you or someone acting on your behalf provides information to us directly. 

For example, when you: 

     • correspond with us, whether in person, by letter, phone, text, email, instant messages or other means of electronic communication

     • complete and submit forms we provide for applications for the use of any of our services or facilities, including signing up for and using our online services and apps, such as our online payment services

     • use any of our services or facilities

     • subscribe to any of our newsletter or update services

     • Follow or post comments in response to our social media or other facilities such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.

b. We may keep a record of any information that you acquire from us. 

c. We may collect personal information about you from other organisations, entities or persons, such as:

Our related organisations including Council Controlled Organisations

     • Solicitors/conveyancers.

     • The New Zealand Police, credit reporting agencies and other organisations, entities and persons where you have expressly authorised them to provide us with information. 

     • Coastguard

     • The Auckland Harbourmaster

     • Marina Operators Association of New Zealand

d. When you visit our websites, we may use technology solutions such as “cookies” to provide you with better access to tailored information and services on the websites and to better serve you when you return to them. Our internet service providers may also make a record of your visit and log information for statistical purposes. This information is only analysed on a bulk basis for broad demographic content. Individual use is not analysed. We do not attempt to identify users or their browsing activities unless they choose to give us personal information while using our website. 

e. “Closed Circuit Television” (CCTV) we have installed cameras to monitor for any unwanted or unsafe activity to monitor both passenger and traffic movements, and monitor public places in order to help reduce crime and anti-social behaviour and to promote community safety. 

f. Signage advising of CCTV equipment will give notice of areas covered by such equipment. CCTV footage will only be viewed by authorised people in accordance with the purpose noted above or for the purposes of regularly checking the system is operational. No attempt is made to identify individuals from CCTV footage except in relation to a reported or suspected incident requiring investigation. 


Using your information 

The personal information that we collect from you or someone acting on your behalf may be used for any of the following purposes: 

a. To provide you with services or facilities, including those you have requested; 

b. To positively confirm your identity. This is to avoid inappropriate release or use of your information. 

c. To respond to correspondence or to provide you with information that you have requested.

d. To process your application to use or to register for any of our services or facilities, including our online services. 

e. To process payments received by, or made by Tutukaka Marina.

f. To respond to your requests, enquiries or feedback, or for customer care related activities. 

g. To provide you with information about our events, news, services or facilities, or the events, news, services or facilities of our Council Controlled Organisations that we consider may be of interest to you. 

h. To comply with relevant laws and regulations. 

i. To carry out activities connected with the running of our business or operations such as personnel training, or testing and maintenance of computer and other systems. 

j. For any specific purpose which we notify you of at the time your personal information is collected. 

k. For general administrative and business purposes. 


Storing your information

Personal data is stored securely in our Marina Management System; Customer names are also stored securely in our Insight (pin code and tag) gate access system. Personal Data is saved and used for specific purposes relating to the rental or leasehold contract. Renter’s personal data may be shared with the 3rd party organisation, New Zealand Marina Operators Association (NZMOA) if you default on your account or your contract is terminated by Marina Management. If there is a data breach you will be notified. 


Sharing your information 

We may disclose personal information about you to: 

a. Any person engaged by the council to provide products or services to you on our behalf, where your personal information is necessary for the provision of those products or services. 

b. Council Controlled Organisations, in order to assist with the functions and services that they provide. 

c. A third party if we are required to do so under any laws or regulations, or in the course of legal proceedings or other investigations. This may include sharing CCTV footage with the New Zealand Police or other public sector agencies where criminal activity is reported or suspected. The New Zealand Police may also access live feeds from certain CCTV cameras from time to time, for law enforcement, investigation and emergency response purposes. 

d. Any person you authorise us to disclose your personal information to.

e. Any person, if that information is held in a public register, e.g. information held on vessel information database.

f. Renters please refer to section 23 in the Rental Terms and Conditions which confirms that a Berth Occupier authorises the Marina Management at Tutukaka to upon default or termination of that agreement to the membership of the marina operators Association of NZ Inc any personal information held by Marina Management about you. 


What if you do not provide us with the personal information requested

If you do not provide us with all of the personal information about you that we request from you, we may not be able to adequately respond to your correspondence, process any applications you have submitted, provide the services or facilities you have requested, process payments or otherwise deal with any requests or enquiries you have submitted. In some circumstances, failure to provide information when requested may be unlawful, and/or result in legal consequences. These circumstances and the potential consequences will be explained to you when your personal information is collected.


Security and accuracy

We take reasonable steps to ensure personal information is: 

a. protected against loss, damage, misuse and unauthorised access. We restrict access to personal information to those individuals who need access to this information in order to assist us in performing our duties and obligations

b. accurate, up to date, complete, relevant, and not misleading.


How long we hold personal information 

We may retain all personal information that we collect (on both our active systems and our archive systems), for as long as administratively necessary, in accordance with the council’s information retention and disposal schedule. 

The Public Records Act 2005 requires us to retain “protected records” indefinitely. In some circumstances, your personal information may be included within a protected record. 


Accessing and correcting your personal information

You may request confirmation of whether or not we hold any personal information about you and you may request access to your personal information that we hold by emailing us at info@tutukaka.co.nz or otherwise contacting us, at the addresses provided below. Once we have verified your identity we will provide you with such confirmation and access unless one of the grounds for refusal to do so under the Privacy Act applies.

You may request that the personal information we hold about you be corrected by emailing us at www.tutukaka.co.nz If we agree that your personal information is to be corrected we will provide you with an amended record of your personal information if requested. Your rights of access to and correction of any personal information we hold about you are subject to the procedures set out in the Privacy Act.


Who you can contact for further information

If you have any queries about this Privacy Policy or personal data Tutukaka Marina has collected, please contact:

Tutukaka Marina Management Trust, 

Marina Road, Tutukaka

RD3 Whangarei, 0173

New Zealand

Telephone: 094343441

Website enquiries: www.tutukaka.co.nz


Tutukaka Marina, also known as the friendly marina! We strive to provide you with great service and facilities. We appreciate you respecting and visiting our beautiful coast and harbour.


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