Tutukaka Marina Management Trust Health & Safety Policy
At Tutukaka Marina Management Trust (Tutukaka Marina) our Occupational Health & Safety Policy is based on a belief that the wellbeing of people employed at work, and people affected by our work, is a major priority and must be considered during all work performed on our behalf.
Tutukaka Marina is committed to providing a healthy and safe working environment for our workers, contractors and visitors to our workplace.
We will ensure the safety of people by:
- Ensuring so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of workers and that other people are not put at risk by its work.
- Providing and maintaining a safe working environment.
- Providing facilities for health and safety.
- Ensuring all equipment is safe.
- Ensuring all workers and other people at (or in the vicinity) of Tutukaka Marina are not exposed to unmanaged or uncontrolled risk.
- Developing and implementing emergency and evacuation procedures.
- Compliance with legislation, regulations, codes of practice and safe operating procedures.
- Ensuring the safe use, handling and storage of equipment, structures and substances.
- Monitoring the health of workers and the conditions at the workplace for the purpose of preventing injury or illness.
To achieve this we will:
- Systematically identify and document all risks to health and safety at Tutukaka Marina.
- Implement and document appropriate control measures to eliminate or minimise risks to health and safety.
- Provide health and safety information, training, instruction and supervision.
- Encourage consultation and participation with employees, contractors, clients and suppliers in matters relating to health and safety
- Ensure the accurate and timely reporting of all accidents, incidents, injuries and near misses.
- Support injured staff to return to work safely as early as possible.
- Protect visitors and other people from the risk of workplace hazards.
- Provide support and resource so that systems are maintained and improved.
- Meet our obligations under the Health and Safety at Work act (2015), Health and Safety at Work Regulations 2016 and all relevant Standards, Codes of Practice and Best Practice Guidelines.
- Inform and train all workers in emergency plans and procedures and evacuation procedures.
- Ensure that contractors and sub-contractors are not exposed to risk within our workplace and do not expose our workers to the risk from hazards that the contractor introduces.